Today's post is about my Grandmas. I've been thinking about grandparents a lot lately. About my parents as grandparents. About how my nieces and nephew are so lucky to have my Mom and Dad; all the games played, the books read, the walks taken, the songs danced to, the pictures drawn, the concerts attended, the tears wiped away and so much more.
My Grandmas were amazing women. They raised large families with very little. They fiercely loved and lost. They were women of strong faith and strong values. They both worked and maintained a farm. (My aunt and uncle still live on the same farm as my Mom's parents...very cool.) They were fantastic cooks. This is the thing I remember most about each of them.
I was the youngest in my family by a number of years, so I'm sad to say I don't remember much about my Mom's Mom. She passed away when I was 11 years old. I do remember visiting her at her apartment. My Grandpa passed away before I was born. I remember her very high bed and her different colored metal drinking glasses. I remember her handmade cinnamon rolls. I remember her canned goods, especially the pears. I love canned pears! (Mom, I want to learn how to can!) I don't remember this, but my Mom tells me she had a great love of reading, which is so cool. My Mom learned the love of reading from her Mom and my Mom passed this love onto to me.
I remember visiting my Dad's parents. We traveled there for many Easters, Thanksgivings and Christmases. The entire family of uncle, aunts and cousins were always there. It was usually chaos. My Grandma was always in the kitchen, a very small kitchen too. I remember her glorious pies and perfect gravy. I don't remember her ever sitting down. I think because we saw each other mostly on these grand occasions and she was always busy tending to everyone, that we didn't get a chance to know each other like we would have otherwise. I saw the deep love she had for her husband and her family and the joy she found from her garden. She worked very hard to make us all happy. She was a wonderful host. I take great pride in my work and in how I care for my family and I think I got this from her, which is much like my Dad too. She passed away when I was 20 years old.
I miss them very much. I wish I had had more time with them. More time to just be with them and talk about their childhoods and be old enough to remember. I treasure the stories my Mom and Dad tell me. I will continue to tell my nieces and nephew how lucky they are to have grandparents that are so involved in their lives. It's such a blessing.
Earlier in the week, I said I started working a large project. I plan to make a layout for each grandchild with my Mom, and a layout for each grandchild with my Dad. This is my way of capturing the awesome relationship each of my parents has with their grandkids. I've finished one. My Dad and my youngest niece. Here's a sneak peek. I'll share them all when they're finished.
Here are two photos, the only ones I'm aware of, that have both my Grandmas and me in the same photo. I treasure these. (Those handsome boys are my brothers. Love the pants, Steph. They're actually back in style!)
To my family out there, please feel free to leave a comment about the memories you have of these fabulous women.

Sara - I remember my Mom everyday. I remember her great sense of humor, her love of writing and language, her love of my Dad and her children and her great faith in the people she loved. I love having many of her cooking tools and as I use them I remember our wonderful times together. It is a blessing to have such a mother. Mom
That was mom's (Grandma's) nature.
I remember that too-she never sat down at those wonderful get togethers and meals--and as we have noted before many times--although the physical space was quite small it did not matter as everyone was talking at the same time and their always seemed to be room for more! Doing family history only reinforces the idea that Family is so very precious!!
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