Today is my youngest niece's birthday! Her parents and her brother all have their birthdays before hers and this year she kept asking when her birthday was going to be. She was always very patient. So, this last week, when the whole family was together, we decided to make a big to do about her birthday. We celebrated all week really. What fun! Isn't that cake adorable?!
So, this week's Ten on Tuesday is dedicated to her. These are 10 things I want to remember about her from this last week.

1) She loved walking around the block with the grocery cart that I used when I was a little girl, and what my two older nieces also used. We wondered how many miles have been put on it over the years. I think this is such a sweet photo.
2) Her cousins immediately named her the Cutanator (for their super hero video). You simply can't say no to her. She's just too cute.
3) Toward the end of the week, she had two gifts left to open. She asked if she could open them, but it wasn't a good time, so we said a bit later. She decided to take the gifts up to her room and shortly thereafter came down with them open.

4) She loves the swings. It's the first thing she went to each time we went to the park. She loved going higher and higher. She kept telling me to push her more and more.
5) She's a fashionista. She loves clothes and shoes. She loves choosing her outfits. She let her cousin, D, do her hair too. And of course she looks adorable in everything.
6) She's a great napper. Everyday, she went down for a nap without any fuss and slept for three hours.
7) She loved playing with her girl cousins; Calico Critters (these are so cute), with Gossie (her stuffed animal) and Pegasus (D's stuffed animal), and drawing and coloring.

8) The kids tried to go to the community pool to swim, but unfortunately it was closed for the season. So, the parents bought a couple blow up pools for the backyard. She took her nap, so she wasn't able to play in it until after dinner. She was so excited when she woke up. She was having so much fun, she didn't even notice she was shivering in the cool night air.
9) I want to remember her giving me a high five after our canoeing adventure.

10) She loved all the streamer decorations and was upset when we took them down on the day of our departure.
A very happy birthday to you Miss A. I'm so glad I got to celebrate with you.
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