Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ten on Tuesday (well 11, for 1.11.11)

1) We celebrated my niece's birthday this weekend, with two, count them, two parties! I can't believe she's 8. Right now, she's totally into all things crafty and watching Avatar, (not the movie, but a children's cartoon).

2) One of the highlights of 2010 was attending a Josh Ritter concert. His tour didn't bring him back to my part of the world...until now! I'm going to his concert next month and I can't wait.

3) I'm attending an event tonight where Allison McGhee will be speaking. She's one of my favorite authors. She's also an excellent teacher. I took a class from her at The Loft and it was fabulous. I'm not sure what happened, but I haven't written anything fictional in a long time. I hope to get back into it this year. Maybe Allison will inspire me.

4) It's snowing...again. Ugh. At least it was sunny this weekend. Even though sun means bitter cold, I definitely welcome some vitamin D and clear skies after so many gray days.

5) Love these two posts by Elise and Ali sharing everyday photos from their weekends. Definitely need to do more of this.

6) My Mom made me a fleece blanket. It's so cozy. Perfect for cuddling up in for a nap. It's so fun to get a gift for no reason.

7) I've been looking through old photos (non-digital) for my Yesterday and Today class with Ali Edwards. It's amazing what emotions/feelings emerge looking at a snapshot I haven't looked at in awhile. So many cool stories yet to be told.

8) I wish we could enjoy our holidays more before stores start selling the next one. There's Valentine's stuff everywhere. Sigh.

9) One of the items on my 33 List was to refrain from eating out for a month. I know it's only the 11th, but so far, so good for the month of January. I'll take little successes where I can get them.

10) I'm in a cooking slump. None of my usual favorites sound good. Anyone eating anything good lately? I'd love some new, tasty recipes.

and one extra for 1.11.11

11) Thank you so much for all the great comments on my Exciting News post. I so enjoyed reading each of them.

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